Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trapped in DIA

The oversight team from Canyon View Vineyard and myself went to Columbus Vineyard for a Building A Church That Works Conference. We're in between flights in DIA. I thought I'd take a few minutes to go through my emails and write down some thoughts.

One thing I have learned to appreciate is the value of building relationships with people that I work so closely with. I love to laugh with and hang out with these guys. The other value of going to a conference together is to have concentrated time to dialogue and hash through critical issues that need to be addressed.

I can only imagine what it must have been like to be like the disciples and literally hang out with Jesus for a full 3 years. To watch him minister to people. To hear his profound teachings. To yuck it up around the campfire. To watch him kick butt with the Pharisees and Saduccees.

No wonder they would say..."Where else are we to go (when everyone else left Jesus after his hard saying that you must eat my body and drink my blood), you have the words of life." So what I gotta believe is I have a deeper and deeper need to learn how to "hang out with Jesus". Maybe take some retreats with him. Maybe hang out on the back patio and dialogue with him. Maybe to read more of his words and let them sink deeper and deeper into my heart."

All of this church stuff can really become a barrier to all of this. God protect me from losing you in the midst of the ministry. What's keeping you from hanging out with Jesus? Busyness? TV? Worry? Go grab a cup of java, grab your Bible and journal, and go hang out with Jesus for a while. I think I'll do the same.

1 comment:

wadeyamo said...

your right life is all about knowing God more. and we will never get to the point of know God completely and thats the joy in the stride! i really appreciate your humility.