Monday, December 10, 2007


After the shootings at the YWAM base in Arvada and the subsequent shooting hours later at New Life Church I'm left with a myriad of emotions. I had some associations with the YWAM base years ago when they sent teams to the youth facility I was a chaplain at in Lakewood. So my heart went out to the young adults that were victimized by such a senseless and brutal act.

But then there was the two young women that were killed at NLC. When I read the names of the victims it dawned on me that I knew the family. The Works family used to come and visit the Vineyard in Canon City. We even had them over for lunch after church one Sunday a few years ago. I tried to imagine the devastation of losing two of your children by one evil act. My heart is so broken for the Works family.

The last thing on my mind when I started pastoring a church is what we need to do to ensure security for the people. Unheard of just 10-20 years ago! But the world has changed so much. Since 9-11 we live in a totally different world. Lord help us.

So what do I conclude? I am resolved to trust my life, my family and the church in God's hands. For He is faithful and in control of all things. I am also reminded of the need to be eternally minded. To focus on eternity and not just on the temporal and unpredictable fallen world we live in. That is the only place where I can find peace that overcomes all the tragedies that may come our way. Thank the lord that we are eternally in His grip!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

thorn in my flesh

2 Cor 12:9But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.NIV

In 1990 I came down with a case of pneumonia. Then in 92' I had a serious case of High Altitude Pulminary Edema. As a result of this my lungs have become my thorn in the flesh. I have had prayer for healing in this area a # of times and by God's sovereign will, He has chosen to allow me to deal with this. So each year I come down with a serious case of Bronchitis and it takes weeks and even months for it to go away. It zaps away energy and hinders me from physical activity.

So here's what I have learned. ONe is to be smarter and accept that I am susceptible to this and take precautions to build up my immunity. The second is to accept that I have to slow down and get the rest I need to recover. Not that I'm "old" but I'm not a spring chicken anymore either. So I have to find that balance of acceptance and yet still have faith that God could heal my lungs at any moment if he would choose to.

The third lesson is to have empathy for those that have long-term ailments where they have no control of it. Healthy people can tend to be insensitive to people that have prolonged illnesses. Finally I have come to grips with the concept of dependency on God's presence and power to continue to function daily when I struggle with these lung issues. To find his strength carrying me through the day vs my own strength.

Can we truly be "thankful" when we suffer? I think we can!! May his power be perfected in all of us!