Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Challenged in Columbus

We're here at the Columbus Vineyard for the Church that Works conf. One thing God is speaking loud and clear to me is I have made an intentional shift from being the leader that needs to make things happen to a leader that needs to build a heritage. To build up other leaders. To shift from being the Joshua that is so amped on running into the battle with a sword in hand to being the Moses that blessed Joshua and sent him out. As I have to accept the reality that at 51 years of age I don't have the energy I used to but I have learned a few things over the 30+ years in ministry. So I need to give it away...continue to pass the baton to emerging coach more and accept that I can't always be on the field playing at this stage of my life and ministry. I do accept this challenge warmly and am actually ok with it. This actually surprises me but it has began to settle in my heart. THe question that looms in my heart now is who to invest in, who to raise up, who's heart to speak into. God, I ask you to show me who the Joshua's are and invest in them. To be strategic and intentional with this. Amen!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Rock me baby!

It's the bottom of the 9th inning of what Wade used to call the "World Serious." As the Rockies are one run down, I still have a pit at the bottom of my stomach. In other words, I don't have much hope (especially the way their bats have gone so cold). Oh out. But I have to wonder what is going on in the minds of the Rockies players. To get so far and then fall so short in the end. Are they still proud of all that they've accomplished this year?

It makes me think of the win at all costs mentality. (Crud...2 outs!). Think about this...we have this mentality that we build relationships with people outside of God's Kingdom to bring them in. If they reject Jesus, we take it as a failure on our part or we feel rejected personally. I love the new Post-modern concept of relationships that I got a picture in the wonderful book, "Chasing Francis." (This book is a must read guys!) Why not love people just for the sake of loving them? Why not be a friend for the sake of friendship itself?

This changes things from people being a project to being loved genuinely. (Aw poop! THe Series is over!!!!). This is my new directive for myself. Love people just because God loves them. With no other agenda. Food for thought, isn't it?

I think I'll start rooting for the Nuggets now. (Since the Broncos are going nowhere fast). :) I'm off to Columbus this week for a conference called, "Building a Church that works". I look forward to the time with my new partners in crime, Chalane Coit, Paul Watson, Les McPherson and Tim Mayer. Gonna be fun.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Rockies blues

One of the challenges of being a "pastor" is confronting the prejudices people have about you. It's so easy to assume that you're a different kind of person: That you live at a higher spiritual plain than everyone else. So here's a look at reality...I'm totally bummed the Rockies are getting blasted by the Red Sox in game one of the World Series. Ok, I admit it...I'm competitive. I love to win. I love to root for a winning team. And I hate it when "we" lose.

But this is one of the reasons that I love being on God's team. I love being on the side of light that always overcomes darkness. I love how Love always wins over evil. I love how the Kingdom of God is overcoming the Kingdom of darkness. I love that anyone who lives with the Kingdom within them has the future promise and hope of eternal life; Of heaven; Of the Earth being restored to its original perfect created state.

Then I won't have to cry over my teams losing anymore. Maybe I'll become a Red Sox fan. :)