Sunday, October 28, 2007

Rock me baby!

It's the bottom of the 9th inning of what Wade used to call the "World Serious." As the Rockies are one run down, I still have a pit at the bottom of my stomach. In other words, I don't have much hope (especially the way their bats have gone so cold). Oh out. But I have to wonder what is going on in the minds of the Rockies players. To get so far and then fall so short in the end. Are they still proud of all that they've accomplished this year?

It makes me think of the win at all costs mentality. (Crud...2 outs!). Think about this...we have this mentality that we build relationships with people outside of God's Kingdom to bring them in. If they reject Jesus, we take it as a failure on our part or we feel rejected personally. I love the new Post-modern concept of relationships that I got a picture in the wonderful book, "Chasing Francis." (This book is a must read guys!) Why not love people just for the sake of loving them? Why not be a friend for the sake of friendship itself?

This changes things from people being a project to being loved genuinely. (Aw poop! THe Series is over!!!!). This is my new directive for myself. Love people just because God loves them. With no other agenda. Food for thought, isn't it?

I think I'll start rooting for the Nuggets now. (Since the Broncos are going nowhere fast). :) I'm off to Columbus this week for a conference called, "Building a Church that works". I look forward to the time with my new partners in crime, Chalane Coit, Paul Watson, Les McPherson and Tim Mayer. Gonna be fun.


Yadah said...

Good to know what you all are up to this week. Will be praying for great creativity and inspiration. Did I mention how great it is that you are blogging?

Hmmm, does this mean loving grouchy customers when they just got up on the wrong side of the bed? No more mental thumping on their head, eh? Loving because God loves . . . I know I've heard this somewhere before . . .

Ducky said...

Pastor Kirk say..."Think about this...we have this mentality that we build relationships with people outside of God's Kingdom to bring them in. If they reject Jesus, we take it as a failure on our part or we feel rejected personally."

Really? "we have this mentality"? Who is WE? Christians? Your congregation?

To build relationship with someone purely based on an agenda of "bringing them in" is inauthentic and deceptive. Yet, I see this a lot.

I myself have been the target of the assumption that I am "outside the Kingdom of God" just because someone did not know and did not ask what my relationship to God is. (And yes, this person is a member of your church, Pastor.) :-)

"Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself" doesn't get much clearer or simpler. It doesn't say, "Love thy neighbor as thyself IF they are SAVED and IF they are WITHIN the Kingdom of God." Who are we to put words in God's mouth? Yet... that's what we do, ain't it? And that's the problem, isn't it?

Build relationship because God directs you to do so. He also directs us to Judge Not. We win souls by the convincing demonstration of our Faith as it shows in our daily life. Most people aren't about to buy a product unless they know it works. We, who walk with God, are charged with showing that the product DOES work. Being dishonest about why you are befriending someone so you can "bring them to Jesus" is a big lie and hence, sin.

Evangelism cannot supersede honesty.

Your Friend in Christ,

Charity said...

Ducky- Read pastor Kirk's last sentence there: "Why not love people just for the sake of loving them? Why not be a friend for the sake of friendship itself?"

He said what you are trying to say, I think you just missed it.

Take care...~Charity

Anonymous said...

Pastor Kirk says... "Why not love people just for the sake of loving them? Why not be a friend for the sake of friendship itself?...Love people just because God loves them."
That can be so hard to do. I'm so glad that you put this down Kirk. I think as a Christian, we can forget what it was like to not be inside the Kindom and thus forget how to relate to those outside. But you have an awesome point, in that if we start with love and not "project" we will find a common ground: Homo sapien.
Application could be put into play right now. I don't know ducky and I am a "member of your congregation". His comment feels like a personal attack and judgment on me. But I will end the cycle of judgment right now and apply your blog. I do know what it's like to judge and to be judged. Neither side is fun to be on. It's a painful part of be depraved.
Ducky, since I took your attack personally I will apologize personally. I don't now if I am that member, but... I am not a good person. I ask for your patience and friendship to help me become a better person in Christ. I am sorry for judging you. Please forgive me and know that loving you for who you are is my desire.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Kirk says... "Why not love people just for the sake of loving them? Why not be a friend for the sake of friendship itself?...Love people just because God loves them."

That can be so hard to do. I'm so glad that you put this down, Kirk. I think, as a Christian, we can forget what it was like to not be inside the Kingdom, and thus, forget how to relate to those outside. But you have an awesome point, in that if we start with love and not as a "project" we will find a common ground: Homo sapien.

Application could be put into play right now. I don't know ducky and I am a "member of your congregation". His comment feels like a personal attack and judgment on me. But I will end the cycle of judgment right now and apply your blog. I do know what it's like to judge and to be judged. Neither side is fun to be on. It's a painful part of being depraved.

Ducky, since I took your attack personally I will apologize personally. I don't now if I am that member, but... I am not the world's greatest person. I ask for your patience and friendship to help me as I try to become a better person in Christ.

I am sorry for judging you.

Please forgive me and know that loving you for who you are is my desire. No agenda.

Ducky said...

I meant no offense to anyone in my response and if it came off that way I do apologize. No one here is the person I spoke of - that person and I worked out the issue the very night it happened.

And yes, Pastor Kirk and I were making very similar points. But it is the first time I have seen it acknowledged publicly that "Christians walk into relationships with an agenda". To approach relationships that way is to fly in the face of a commandment. So I was like... whaddya mean "WE" kemosabbe? I ain't in that club.

But then I'm always in trouble with a lot of Christians because I tend to not discriminate between "in God's Kingdom" and "Outside of God's Kingdom". The Lord is Lord of All. If a person I meet does not accept salvation as a result of my influence it is because God has other plans. And that's God's binness, not mine. I'm big on the sovereignty of the Lord and He does what He wants to, according to His purposes.

Charity said...

Amen Ducky! :-)