Thursday, January 24, 2008

Dan the man!

One thing I've been jealous of over the past few years is how much Jane was learning from her Beth Moore Bible Studies. I would say to her..."How come this great teaching is limited to women?" So we decided to buck the system and have a Beth Moore Study on the book of Daniel with 3 other couples. We just had our first session and I just finished day 2 of my homework assignment. Wow! This is incredible teaching. I'm eating it up.

This first week I am so impressed with Daniel. Here we see a young man between 15-18 years old that is taken into captivity into Babylon under King Nebuchadnezzer and he stands up to the King and says he will not worship their god and will not indulge in their pleasures. He could have had it all. The choicest foods. And he says we'll stick with vegetables and grains. No Filet Mignon, no baked Alaska and probably no Sushi!

Daniel was bent on worshipping only the living God of Israel. He would bow down to no King but the King of Kings. THe question I have is would I have the same resolve? Only by the grace of God. What would I do if my life was at stake and someone said to bow down to another god or idol or loose my life? Only by the grace of God would I be able to make a stand and repeat the words of Jesus that you can take my life physically but you will never take my soul. I hope I would continue to choose matter what the stakes are. I pray that I can be like Daniel and stand up to the Babylonian tendencies in our world today. (Live your life for today. You deserve it. Seek all the pleasure the world has to offer you. It won't hurt you.).

The question for all of us is what is the world luring us into that may have a tragic ending? Can we learn to say "no" and seek God's heart and live in his will, no matter what the cost? Let's choose to be Daniel's today! By the Grace of God!! And all God's people said...Amen!!!


Anonymous said...

I love Beth Moore's teaching also! I'm thrilled to know that our awesome Pastor Kirk is breaking all boundaries in doing a Beth Moore study! Way to go! There are many men who shy away from such awesome "women" teachers as Beth Moore & Joyce Meyer alike. God created US ALL in his image - thus women are capable of incredible insight, knowledge & being anointed by the Holy Spirit in preaching the good news to both women & men! Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

I have always been amazed at Daniel's life, his love & faithfulness to God under extreme conditions. I have not been a faithful person to God. I have chosen the things of the world over the right things of God. I have reaped the consequences of my choices. Because God is faithful, " He disaplines those He loves". Ouch! Daniel stands as a stark contrast to my choices, his life truely convicts me. Only by the Grace & Power of God can I learn to be faithful, as God is faithful. I praise God for forgiveness & 2nd, 3rd,... chances & godly role models. Thank you Jesus that you save sinners.