Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A new start

Ok, Sue. I know I have been tardy in my blogs. I have many excuses. Most of all the Holidays were filled with great family times as Wade was home for Christmas from VCOM in Boise. We cherished every moment we had together. We took a trip to the front range to see family and friends in Denver, C. Spgs and Canon City. It was a whirlwind filled with great fellowship, food and football. (I love watching bowl games and NFL football. It's a vice...God forgive me.) :) One of the blessings we had was going to church at the CC Vineyard. We saw old friends and enjoyed the worship and message from Greg Swearengen. But the greatest thing was the gratification we had to see the church doing so well under the new leadership. We were given the confirmation that God was in the whole transition to GJ and His hand hasn't been lifted from the church in CC. We gave our life to help build that church and it was another step in the process of handing it back to God. Jane especially had a sense of peace that she could now let go and embrace CVVC as her new church. God answered prayer big time in this one.

Yesterday we sent Wade off to Boise again. I had the best gift a dad could ever have. Wade and I went for coffee at Starbucks and we had a wonderful chat. We talked about relationships, ministry and setting goals. It was incredible. To be able to have such a deep talk with your son that is growing to be a young man of God was one of highlights of a dad's life. Thank you Lord! We all sense God has some great things in store for Wade.

Now it's back in the saddle at Canyon View. Overall we (the staff) have a wonderful sense that 08' is going to be a great year for the Kingdom of God for Canyon View Vineyard Church. My focus and prayer is for God to solidify his new vision for CVVC in the next 3 months. Then we will share it with the church at large in the messages in April and then we take off to expand God's Kingdom in the Grand Valley and the world. (The vision will be the focus of our leadership retreat that we will have the beginning of March in Moab).

In summary, I am very excited for 08'. I sense in my Spirit that 08' is going to be a year of great healing and new life in CVVC. Jeremiah 29:11 keeps coming to mind for us..."For I know the plans that I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

I embrace this promise, Lord. May you be glorified and may your Kingdom come...in a huge way in 08'. And everyone said...AMEN!!!


Yadah said...

Ahhh . .that Sue! Persistant, isn't she?

I'm glad for your wonderful Christmas. We had our son in town as well and can understand the wonder of discussions of goals and the future; we had chai tea around our kitchen table!

Lots of us are praying for the vision of Canyon View. We trust that it will be clear so those of us who read it can read it and run with it! YEAH!

I have a small idea of what it's like to pour years into a place and have watched it grow. Watching the fruit of your labor is really rewarding. Laboring for God is ultra-rewarding.

I agree with you, Pastor, as we are healed, set free and discipled to live to the full measure of what our Creator had in mind for us! AMEN!!

calloused knees said...

Welcome back to the Blog. I have missed your thoughts.

My husband and I both knew the first time you preached that you belonged at CVVC, and I am so glad your wife can finally settle in too.

We are also excited and eager to see what the future holds in store for our community through CVVC as we continue to be used as an outreach to win people for Christ.

Keep up the great job. We will pray for you and the staff that as you begin to set goals for the next year that you can be of one heart and one mind.

Anonymous said...

Not only have you and Jane had to let go of a congregation of dear friends in CC, but also seeing a beloved son take flight from the home nest. It is often difficult to let go of our “babies,” trusting God to watch over and nurture what He birthed through us!

I am so glad you shared that Scripture in Jeremiah 29:11. But I also like the verses following that portion…. “’Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found by you.’ declares the Lord . . .” I think this is a key Scripture as we head into the CVVC 36 hours of prayer and fasting at the end of the month! Thanks for confirming that to my heart!

Anonymous said...

Pastor Kirk, I love the the fresh wind of the Holy Spirit. I truly feel that God is moving and directing you and the church is new areas of growth and commentment. Change is hard. It's so comfortable, but when we are comfortable we really need to worry. Jesus did not live a life style that was comfortable even from birth. I feel we are moving beyond and out our comfort zone and God truly will bless and grow us and this church which is to his plan. God Bless, thanks for the prayer team at the alter!!!!!! we use to do that and quite and needs to be and thanks for helping me know about the other vineyard churchs and how we really are a community! God bless. cindy johnson

Anonymous said...

Church Sunday was Awesome, I felt the Holy Spirit there, like a Breath of Fresh Air!! Way to go NY TOO!!! Sorry Kirk! I had just finished a 48 hour fast and could tell many had done the 36. Praise and Worship was Great!Thanks for doing the fast, lets do More, it Works! Ya'll are where you are supposed to be...Thank You! KP