Tuesday, April 8, 2008

where is Kirk?

Ok, ok. I know it's been a long time since my last blog. I have been hampered by this achilles injury and it has thrown everything out of whack for a while. But we are beginning to sense that life is close to returning to some sense of normal. The big question for our life is what is normal? Know what I mean.

My leg seems to be getting stronger everyday. I can stand on my injured leg without the brace now and have even ventured to take a step or two without the brace. That is huge from where I was a couple of weeks ago. The Dr says to be in the brace with one crutch for just another week. Then I will be in regular shoes for 2 weeks on one crutch. After that I will be walking on my own with no supports. The big thing is I will then be able to play golf as well (full swing). :)

On a deeper note, I have been immersed in the book of Daniel through our small group study. Beth Moore is one of the most anointed teachers I have ever witnessed. One thing I come away with is the sovereignty of God and how his handprint is on every step or move of human history. It also gives me a sense of hope (deep hope I might add) for what is to come in the future. That Jesus is returning as He said and the Kingdom will be established here on Earth as promised! I think I have also swayed to be a "pre-trib" guy through the scriptural evidence we have looked at. (My friend Rick will be glad to hear that!). :)

I am also reading a very different book called "the Shack". It is really stretching me to see the Trinity in a different perspective and is opening my heart to the depth of intimacy that the Lord really desires from me. I realize that I run into some sort of a wall in my ability to grow deeper in my love and experience with the Lord. The book is a wild story of how this wall was broken down by the 3 persons of the Godhead...the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. Let me remind you...the book is really different. But it is really stretching me.

Ultimately I see the goal that we all should have is to grow deeper in our life and relationship with God. Then the relationship of love is what begins to transform us. That transforming power then causes us to think, feel and act differently. Why do we make it so hard? Lord, simplify all our hearts and minds to grow in you and let your life grow out of us into the world.


1 comment:

wadeyamo said...

I'm glad your feeling better. Your reading "The Shack," thats such a great book, you will love the rest of it.