Thursday, November 15, 2007

simply living

I picked up a book on John Wimber that I've been wanting to read called "The Way In is the Way On." John was quoted as saying, "All I'm trying to do is read the book and do what it tells me to do." I've heard this before but it was a refreshing reminder of dumbing down my faith to just do what the book (Bible) tells me to do.

AS I read from the book of Mark this week I was impressed with how Jesus sought after time with the Father. He woke up before dawn to steal some time alone with the Father before the frantic work of ministry began. Most people know I'm not a great morning person (I love my sleep) and it is work to extricate myself from the warmth of my bed. But I have seen that when Jesus got away to pray it was to refill his spiritual and emotional tanks from the challenges of ministry or it was to prepare him for the demands before him. Than he operated out of mercy and compassion. Ultimately his "oneness" with the Father was nourished through those intimate moments with the Father.

Lord, empower me to just do what the book says. Empower me through those moments of prayer that we have together. Help me to simply Love you and love my neighbor as myself. Help me to forgive as I have been forgiven. Help me to freely give as I have freely received. It's pretty simple really. Ultimately help me to keep it from getting so complex.

1 comment:

suziekay said...

In my own personal experience, prayer is like a 3 mile hike up a rugged mountain. But when you reach the summit it is awesome, beautiful, an adventure, and life changing. It makes the steep climb worth it. Prayer keeps us “tuned in”to His voice and enables us to be “tuned up” and moving forward in any ministry opportunities He opens. Is prayer easy? NO! But the summit of God’s presence makes it worth the trek up the mountain . . . anyone up for a climb?