Tuesday, November 6, 2007

YL is the bomb!

Jane and I went to the YL Banquet at 2 Rivers Convention Ctr on Sunday night. It was the 25 yr. anniversary for YL in the Grand Valley. Due to the impact that YL had in my life personally, the evening blessed my socks off! I saw some old YL friends like JC Bowman (we dated some sisters in College and have been on YL staff together in the early 80's), Bob Krulish (was my Regional Director for YL when I was on staff) and Ashleigh Jordan (We used to mtn. bike together with our old friend Chris Wilson when we lived in GJ from 91-95).

One thing I cherish is since I have become a Christian, God has blessed me with friends all around the world (literally). I'm not the best to keep in touch with everyone but it is always great fun when events like Sunday night bring us together.

But the greatest gift of Sunday night was hearing all the testimonies and stories that were so similar to mine (when I was in HS). It reinforced my convictions of God's mercy and grace. Of how God loved me so much that he used YL to pursue my heart (when I was so lost). I thank God for YL and how the ministry continues to grow and thrive and touch the lives of thousands of HS kids around the world. To expand His Kingdom and extend His love to kids in such a relevant and profound way. God, continue to bless and provide the resources for YL to continue to reach kids throughout the world! Amen!!


YOSH said...

Sunday night reminded how much I want to support Young Life. I attended club when I was in High School and tried to get College Life going at Mesa State last year. I have seen people like Curt Lincoln and Leah Allard pour their lives into it and change the lives of so many kids.

wadeyamo said...

thank God for young life, i wouldnt be here if it was for young life!!! thats awesome that you were able to go to that banquet.